Thursday, August 14, 2008


The word is out that our former Governor, Don Siegelman, has accepted an invitation to speak at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. YES!!!! I, for one, cannot wait to watch him speak. I know that former Alabama Attorney General, Bill Pryor, was one of the prosecutors in the Siegelman case. Bill Pryor, one of George W.'s buds, was slated for a Federal bench seat, and he got it (11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, Georgia). Bush was active, along with Jeff Sessions, in making sure that Bill Pryor received the judgeship. I watched C-span and the proceedings of Bill Pryor being contested for that appointment. (Teddy Kennedy, was a major protestor of that appointment). I backed Teddy on it, and wrote several senators concerning the issue of Bill Pryor. However, Bill wormed his way in, and is still on the 11th Circuit bench. (not sure if the bench is warm or not). Does Bill live in Birmingham still, and work from there, or does he live in Atlanta? Does anyone know? I would love to be able to post about it. ANYWAY, back to Don. WATCH THE DEMOCRAT NATIONAL CONVENTION. It will be a real treat.

The following is a Hunstville, Alabama link to Don's acceptance of the invitation to speak at the Democratic National Convention.

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