Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Great link about Cindy Sheehan qualifying to run against house speaker, Nancy Pelosi. I personally am glad that Cindy is still taking a stand for what she believes in. I, also, believe that the war is causing more casualties than it should be. WE NEED TO BRING OUR MEN HOME!!! I totally support the troops, and do my part in supporting them. That doesn't take away from the seriousness of the war and the damage it is causing to our American families. It's depleting our troops, it's costing more money than we could ever recouperate from, the costs are taking away from our childrens' Social Security. IT'S ALSO breaking away from the family structure. The toll on the families that have had sons, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, and husbands go away, and not come back, is astronomical! Many soldiers come home, but either they do not realize where they are, they have PTSD, or they are wounded for life. We are still dealing with Gulf War vets that are not getting the treatment they deserve. We are still dealing with soldiers from other wars that are not getting their disability benefits, and are having to fight the government in order to TRY to get benefits. IT'S WRONG. I don't care how you look at the war, IT'S WRONG. Please feel free to leave a comment on this issue, as this war and issues involving it, are VERY IMPORTANT TO OUR FUTURE!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Deb! There are women in the military forces too!

One can be patriotic and still oppose a war.

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

Yes, I agree, Jayhey :)) There are many women in the military. I still, oppose the war. I have always hated killing, and I frankly still do not see the true reason we are in Iraq. (I have my ideas, but they are just ideas).