Monday, October 12, 2009


I got a good laugh out of this article, because I could certainly see this it has happened to me with a specific person.  (and she knows who she is).  I hope you aren't hounded by family members on your Facebook who want to invade your every facet of life.  Here's the link...ENJOY!|htmlws-main|dl5|link3|


Jackie said...

I read the entire article and it was very funny! Personally I love the fact that anyone can get on Facebook, old friends, new friends, relatives, etc, lol. Just our own little global checks and balances system at work. Nothing wrong with having to watch what we say or do. The things we don't want others to see we usually shouldn't be doing or saying anyways!! lol

Jackie said...

I read the entire article and thought it was very funny! I like that we can stay connected with family and friends, old and new. It's kinda like our own little global checks and balances system, lol. And there's nothing wrong with having to watch what we say or do because usually if we have to hide them, we probably shouldn't be saying or doing them, lol

Jackie said...

I think I just posted twice, lol, sorry. I thought my first one was erased. You can just erase one or the other, Deb, if you want!

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

Hey Jackie! it WAS funny, wasn't it lol...I read some really interesting things on Facebook, and there was a really funny thing that happened on Facebook awhile back. A woman was complaining about her boss, and forgot she had added him as a friend LMAO!!! Well, he fired her butt. Now ain't that funny? LOL....never...ever...ADD YOUR BOSS on Facebook!!!

Cherie said...

i don't FB a lot, ms. deb and jackie. but i guess we really shoud be careful who we add to our list. also, i cringe at some of the things i read, for some reason.

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

Be extremely careful who you add, Cherie. Some people do not have good intentions. Of course, You, Jackie and I do! LOL..

Don said...

Someone cajoled me into having a Facebook account some time ago, but I really have very little time to participate in these "social networking thingys". As far as one of the hints, bragging about sex, is concerned: first of all I can't recall how many years ago it was that I enjoyed having sex, so I guess I don't have to worry about that. (How do I show a frown?) LOL!