Thursday, July 10, 2008


A new execution date has been set for Death Row Inmate, Thomas Arthur (or known as Tommy by some). Governor Bob Riley has STILL not insisted or allowed or made a move towards getting DNA TESTING DONE for Thomas' case. (although a multitude of DNA exists). How in God's green earth, can Governor Bob sleep at night, knowing that he could possibly be allowing someone to be executed, without evidence in their case being tested??? HE MUST STOP THIS EXECUTION AGAIN. Troy King MUST STOP THIS EXECUTION. Both could stop this nonsense, and insist that justice be served. I know I won't be able to sleep at night, if Thomas is executed, WITHOUT the DNA being conducted. Makes me want to cuss, but I'll try and be the decent one here. I'll be a lady and refrain from the choice words I would like to say right now!! Maybe someone else will post and say them for me!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Troy King lives so others may die.