Monday, September 20, 2010


Prattville City Council has scheduled a Budget Hearing for September 28, 2010, to begin at 5:30 p.m.  The Hearing will be held at the Doster Center, downtown Prattville.  The Prattville Progress reported that citizens would get 3 minutes each for their questions, and must submit written questions by September 24.  I wrote Mayor Byard personally and asked a few questions so I could post information for you, to make things a little more clear.  I know that several people were unsure as to why questions had to be submitted ahead of time, rather than on the spur of the moment at the meeting.  Here is what Mayor Byard told me.

"Anyone can attend any of our meetings.  Each regular City Council meeting (held on the first and third Tuesday of each month) is opened with public comment.  A citizen does not have to call, or be on any type of agenda to speak.  They merely raise their hand to get recognized and approach the podium to speak.  As you know, you have to call and be placed on an agenda if you want to address the County Commission or BOE, so I believe we are open and accessible.  Also, you won't find either of their budgets online for inspection.

Any citizen can speak at the Budget meeting. The idea about submitting questions, is so that the citizen will have an answer that night, as some budget questions may be detailed in nature, and instead of having the Council answer with "I'll have to check on that and get back with you," if questions are submitted, the Council can give the answer at the meeting.

Anyone can speak with a three minute limit.  A citizen can ask questions, or make comments.  If the question is detailed, and the Council doesn't know the answer, it may not be answered that night"
I appreciate the Mayor responding to my request for information.  I hope that this can settle some questions that a few may have.  If you have any further questions, Mayor Byard would be more than happy to answer them for you.  He can be reached at:
Jim Byard, Jr.
City of Prattville
101 West Main Street
Prattville, AL 36067

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