Sunday, April 12, 2009 and "LockNLoad"...Ken Booth's Prodigy

I have not approached this subject in quite some time now, but a reader of wrote me and asked me to please straighten out some of the "duck" stuff in the Mobile forum. Well, I haven't posted in over 3 months, but I have continued to read the garbage LOL...Yada yada. You know how it is. (Hey! I read the National Enquirer occasionally also!). Anyway, back to the subject.

I received an email from the notorious LockNLoad just last evening, inviting me to visit ...Contrary to what I have been accused of in the Prattville forum (of deleting posts of OP's and of being usernames of "DudePville" and "Mininhaha"), I have a good friendship with Marc and Melissa Parker, and would never try to harm their website or bring criticism to it. I believe that it is a well contemplated site, and I appreciate the dedication they have given to the site to keep us informed of what's going on around Prattville, and the nation as well. LockNLoad's email to me was NOT intended to be a "nice and friendly" one, but rather to harass me further. I know you are reading this, Rex Cheatham, so please be advised that I will not be replying to your email, as I have been advised by the Attorney General's office. I have also not posted on in over 3 months, in order for the AG's office to see that the true harassment, stalking, threats, and slander are coming from your Huntsville/Decatur/Morgan County/Madison County friends, and also your newfound friends in the Prattville area. Ha! LNL, you and Kingbud may enjoy your Saturday evenings drinking your "Crown" and surfing the internet for who you perceive to be "the duck", and I agree that you are entitled to that "privilege", but given your position with AEA and the Morgan County Democratic Executive Committee, as well as your position with the State Democrat Party, it would appear to be more beneficial to you to go into hiding, and come up with something more substantial for a saturday night entertainment. I know the Democrat leaders have got to be embarassed on a daily basis when they read what you and Pat Cobern (District 88 Representative for the State Democrat Committee) are typing in the forums. Here is a sample of LockNLoad's Democratic posts.

3205.2.2. You don't fool anyone, idiot. by LockNLoad, 4/5/09 17:51 ET Re: Looks like OP Is gone by DudePville, 4/5/09
You are the most bitter failure I've ever known. Get a life you white trash piece of human debris

3205.1.1. Because she is totally by LockNLoad, 4/5/09 17:37 ET Re: Looks like OP Is gone by DudePville, 4/5/09
clueless. She couldn't stick her thumb up her duck butt with both hands

******This one takes the cake, as I am being falsely accused (slander) of being a "meth user".

3232. She's lost all hope by LockNLoad, 4/11/09 20:59 ET Re: Morning! by bumprstikr14, 4/11/09
now that OP is back and better than ever. She and her talentless cohorts are easing their pain with meth about now, I'd say.

21609. If Lurleen Wallace by LockNLoad, 1/22/09 17:32 ET Re: All this deleting has got to by Traci73, 1/22/09
were alive today, she'd get a mental hospital built with the duck's name on it.

*****Please notice that LockNLoad is a card carrying Morgan County Democrat.

Political Discussion / Huntsville Metro Area Politics / Re: Little guys need Stacy Lee George
on: July 01, 2008, 04:35:10 AM, I am not a Republican, Serp. Never have been, never will be.I am a card-carrying, life-long-since-the-day-I-was-born yellow dog Democrat, and a member of the Morgan County Democratic Executive Committee.

****LockNLoad admitting to be a drunk!

21609. I'm a drunkard... by LockNLoad, 1/22/09 18:12 ET Re: Go, Duck, Go! by LockNLoad, 1/22/09
which makes me a citizen of the world.

****Although LockNLoad is an Executive Member of the Democratic Committee of the Morgan County Democrats, he is ashamed of it!

21609. Besides.... by LockNLoad, 1/22/09 18:15 ET Re: Go, Duck, Go! by LockNLoad, 1/22/09
you've called me a democrat which is worse than mentally ill X 10.

***This is an email where I asked Rex to aide me in accessing the forums on the Morgan County Democrat site. Notice I called him "Rex" and notice his response. Also notice his "intimidating email address is a gun related term".

Re: hi
12/29/2008 1:42:20 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Reply To:

It's all taken care of Deb, all you had to do was ask. How did you finally figure me out?
On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 6:59 AM, <> wrote:
good morning Rex, could you please help me get signed in to the Morgan County Democrat site? I'd like to participate in the forums there. Thanks.

Many read that material for a laugh, but some people like keithpat really trust that you are reporting true material about ducks. In fact, they have included me in their "prayer list"? Actually, I'm thankful for someone who prays for others, but their reasons for having me on a prayer list, are not noble.

3202.2. I'm still keeping her on my prayer list.... by keithpat, 4/4/09 23:13 ET

I have been accused by the "notorious" bumprstickr of being "GritsandEggs", "M0bile", "TeresaToo", and many others in the Mobile forum. I have also been accused by bumprstickr (she just can't get away from accusations)...of being "EnuffsEnuff" in the Huntsville forum, as well as " BABYARVID". I want to apologize to these individuals who have been harassed because idiots perceive them to be me. I also want to apologize to those in the Mobile forum who have to endlessly read idiotic material rather than be able to participate in intellectual discussions, because of people like "bumprstickr" (while she has a right to her opinion, she doesn't have a right to harass, stalk, and threaten others for years on end).

*****Please note that the discussions about my family that really sparked the attention of the Attorney General's Office were not only on, but were threatening posts towards my minor son that someone from the BamaKrissy website was posting quite frequently. A fictitious user name of "Hell2pay" was perceived to be my young son, who was 14 at the time. Please note some threatening and stalking posts that were made concerning my son.

64 posts
+1 permalink
Everybody take 3 minutes and listen to this one.....or don't.
I'm just tacking this on to the last post I see and it's better than the other string, I think......maybe not. I just read from the latest posts page so nothing that "gets blocked", is blocked from me. If you go to the string, they are hidden and you can vote, but with one click I see you weren't banned. I believe theturkeylover is the real one if that matters, but I don't want to talk about that crapola.
If anyone else is paying attention, I'm going to Prattville in the next few weeks and arrangements have been made to speak with hell2pay. I can't stand much more. This trip is for something else but whatthehail..................
Fear The Lion.
14th March 00:14 a.m.

*****Please note that this following post on the BamaKrissy site is by Deb53 (Deborah Jansons)(who is an ordained minister when she visits Huntsville from her Canadian home)(her myspace link

271 posts
THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED TO HELL'S EYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Krissy, you hit on it and didn't even realize it!LOL Someone told Hell to f*ck himself and he thought that they said SUCK yourself.......he tried and had to go so low to find his d*ck that he poked himself right in the eye with it!!!__________________
Live in the moment, Laugh every chance you get and Love with all your heart
23rd February 17:01 p.m

445 posts
OK, first of all let me say this: God, please forgive me for what I am about to say! NOW.......C, you are one of the most worthless pieces of shit that it has ever been my displeasure to know! You sit on your fat lard ass hiding behind a computer all day thinking that you are being funny by using words like "retarded"! That shows just what an uncaring, cold and ignorant BITCH you really are! You toss that word around like it's giving water to thirsty people. What are you going to do if and when you EVER do have a child and it turns out to be a special needs child???HUH...HUH...HUH??????????? I'll tell you what you are going to do, you stupid lard ass are going to eat your words! Let's see how you feel when someone calls your child a "retard", you damned loser! You just keep living in your dream world that you are someone special. You are NOTHING. You are lower than nothing. As a matter of fact, you are lower than the whale shit that lays on the bottom of the ocean. There is nothing that you will ever be able to do in your pathetic little life that will ever raise you above that level in this world! You will never be able to rise above that level, because you are such a pathetic fat assed PIG that cares for nothing other than what you can milk out of people. You are all about YOU. You, HUN, are nothing more than a ignorant, blatant lying bitch, that will do anything and I do mean ANYTHING to get attention. That makes you an attention WHORE, which is a sickness. Maybe the next time that you meet with your couselor, you should tell him/her all about your obssessive need for everyone to notice you.

***Notice my children are accused of being on BamaKrissy's site when they are not. (slander by Deb53).
Deb said...
After giving this a little thought, I realized the last time that I heard such filthy language as the Murphree children have been using on this was during a bar brawl at the Sundown!!!LMAOI'd pay a dollar and a quarter to see how they'd fare talking to people in a place like that. Can you say major ass-whipping kiddies???ROFLMAO
February 21, 2009 6:56 A

****This individual is the notorious Kingbud (former Whatabeach) from forums, also a friend of LockNLoad.

97 posts
His winkie is probably to small to find, thus the devil worship. Probably has a house full of Enzite. Ha ha ha . __________________
Too late to live fast and die young, now on that final day I just want to slide in there sideways screaming DAMN WHAT A RIDE!
23rd February 17:04 p.m.

97 posts
+1 permalink
So your still a smurphree huh. __________________
Too late to live fast and die young, now on that final day I just want to slide in there sideways screaming DAMN WHAT A RIDE!
23rd February 21:34 p.m.

102 posts
+0 permalink
Never heard any demons but all smurfrees are shadow creatures ha ha ha. I think it has something to do with inbreeding. __________________
Too late to live fast and die young, now on that final day I just want to slide in there sideways screaming DAMN WHAT A RIDE!
25th February 16:07 p.m.

97 posts
+0 permalink
That means that I can quietly lead your nose up my ass, and you will love it. I could tell that you were an asslicker right off little smurf, mommie and the dog gave it away. __________________
Too late to live fast and die young, now on that final day I just want to slide in there sideways screaming DAMN WHAT A RIDE!
24th February 21:53 p.m.

****In closing, I am going to include a little info concerning BamaKrissy (who allows this filth to remain on her website), so you are aware of who she is. (Here is her Myspace Link (Kristin & Matt Jones)

2240 posts
+1 permalink
Ha ha ha ha I've never heard someone on their own forum called a stalker. This is our forum and you are here because you idolize us. You wish you were as great as us. Yes I have a big head because I am that great. Ask the others they know how great I am.
****ALSO please note that Kristin's husband is a Huntsville Police Department police officer, In Kristin's own words.

2064 posts
+0 permalink
Yep my husband is the po po. We have lots of police officers that lurk on here too. They make sure nothing illegal goes on. One of our favorite posters on here is a SGT.Yummy
"I'll make ya famous"
12th March 09:56 a.m.

2064 posts
+0 permalink
My husband is HPD and Yummy is county. I don't know any Troopers. Oh except the one I met on the way to the beach ha ha! He pulled my husband over. My husband was so flusterd he gave him his expired license instead of the current one. It was soooo funny. He was shaking ha ha __________________
"I'll make ya famous"
12th March 10:07 a.m.

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