Saturday, August 23, 2008


My favorite late night pasttime, is watching Craig Ferguson on CBS. That boy ain't right!!! He's just about the funniest talk show host I have ever seen. I like watching Letterman as well, but Craig should be bumped up to an earlier time. From Craig's "it's a great day in America", to his "do we have time for an email"?...the laughs are many. I also get a kick out of Craig googling his own self. I do that quite frequently, as well, and you would be surprised the things you can find in those googles LOL....AND JUST FOR THE RECORD??? I'm NOT the Debra Murphree that visited Jimmy Swaggart on those late night rondevous. Nope, sorry...wasn't me. (Although I have been accused of it by some of the trollies). HA HA...Check out Craig's late night shenanigans. HE IS FUNNY AS HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!

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