Sunday, July 5, 2009

Spent 4th of July in 3 Counties!

Wow!! 4th of July in our family was spent in 3 different counties! We started off in Autauga County, and then proceeded to Perry County where we spent half the day with kids, grandkids, and my dear daddy. We usually attend the Prattville fireworks show, or the Moose Lodge fireworks show on Highway 31 in Autauga County, but this year we opted for Chilton County Lake Mitchell Fireworks. WOW! I have never been on the lake for a fireworks show, although I have been at the ocean when fireworks were displayed over the water. Here are a few fireworks that were displayed last night. I ran out of camera space before the Grand Finale ...NEXT YEAR...I will catch it all!! (I'll be better prepared). My daughter invited us on the spur of the moment to go out on their boat with them.

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