Friday, February 27, 2009


Christ The King, an international denomination, is striving to meet the needs of Africans.

"Although barely making a ripple in the US news, a humanitarian crisis has developed in Zimbabwe which has sent thousands fleeing for safety in neighboring South Africa."

Pastor Thinus Coetzee has gone above the call of duty to aide in these efforts. He writes, "CTK members in South Africa are now continuously rallying around, providing much-needed help in the form of finances, food, clothes, and blankets...Some CTK Africa members with businesses are even donating a percentage of their total sales towards this and other CTK projects in Zimbabwe." Please help Pastor Coetzee with your monetary donations. How could you not want to help, after seeing the eyes of these children, on television? You know, the ones where they impress upon you heart, their needs, through the haunting look in their little eyes? We should not only say, "God Bless America", but God Bless everyone in the world. "Jesus loves the Little Children...all the children of the world."

There are several links that you can click on to at this site, where you can aide in the rebuilding of Kenya. So much work needs to be done to help those who are less fortunate, so please dig deep into your wallets to help out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your assistance, Debbie! God bless you!
