Thursday, October 30, 2008


NOTE TO JEFF: NOT A GOOD IDEA. Jeff promotes Christian values, yet advertises on, a nasty, foul mouthed posting forum, that allows only biased opinions and filthy talk. I gave him my two cents yesterday in an email about what I thought about him posting on the forum that definitely can not "out Jesus" another one. I'm waiting to hear back from Jeff. I have received two letters already in reply to mine concerning the "700 Billion Bailout", and I believe that Jeff is sincere when he says he did not vote for the bailout. HOWEVER, it sort of contradicts everything he claims he believes in, IN MY OPINION, when I see his mugshot on the forums. PLEASE JEFF, re-think what you are doing when you advertise with a company that cares only to promote their own agenda, and cares LESS what they allow to remain in print. I am still trying to decide on who to vote for! (Yes, I know, it's this late in the game, and I'm still undecided....I will give Jeff credit for his decision to vote NO to the bailout. Here is a good link to read concerning the BAILOUT.


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I couldn't think of a worse forum to associate with. I've read some of the most vile and hateful comments on the forums, and I don't understand how some of them are allowed to stay. Yet, if you make a valid, rational argument and provide sources and links the post is deleted.

In particular, if you read the Birmingham board, you'll see frequent use of "Osambo" in reference to Obama. "Sambo" as you may be aware is very much a racist term.

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

You hit the nail on the head, Ala. Mod :) I couldn't have said it more eloquently. Vile and hateful, are words that are too good for I can think of others, but you can't print them. (but they do, ha ha).

Don said...

“, a nasty, foul mouthed posting forum,that allows only biased opinions and filthy talk.”

That’s why I stopped wasting time on those forums long ago. I scan several of them every day just to see if anything worthwhile is on them and that takes less than five minutes. On rare occasions I may post a comment with what I think is worthwhile information.